
2024  My Path to New Therapies: Gentle Methods for Treating Tumour Diseases, Lyme Diseases and Autoimmunity
ISBN 978-3-00-077703-5

2023  Mein Weg zu neuen Therapien: Sanfte Anwendungen zur Behandlung von Tumorerkrankungen, Borreliosen und Autoimmunität
ISBN 978-3-00-077484-3

2021 (Deutsch) Tumortherapie mit Amanita phalloides: Vorteile und Grenzen Oktober 2021: 5-9 [PDF]

2021  Tumor Therapy with Amanita phalloides: Benefits and Limitation
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research 13(1): 29-37 [PDF]

2020  (Deutsch) Zuwendung! Die Betreuung von Tumorpatienten
Naturheilkunde Journal Mai 2020: 19-21   [PDF]

2019  Amanita phalloides in Tumor Therapy: Stabilization of Pharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Case Report.
Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 3.3: 70-73   [PDF]

2019  (Deutsch) Tumorbehandlung mit dem Grünen Knollenblätterpilz Amanita phalloides: Vielversprechende Ergebnisse bei Plattenepithel-Karzinomen.
Naturheilkunde Journal August 2019: 84-87   [PDF]

2019  Genes in Tumor Formation.
Journal of Hematology and Oncology Research - 3(2):18-22.
DOI: 10.14302/issn.2372-6601.jhor-19-2986   [PDF]

2018  (Deutsch) Amanita phalloides verhindert das Tumorwachstum. Eine Fallstudie.
Naturheilpraxis 71(12): 50-56   [PDF]

2017  Amanita Phalloides Avoids Tumor Growth of Leukocytes with Philadelphia Chromosome. Case Report.
International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports 10(3): 1-7
DOI: 10.9734/IJMPCR/2017/38205   [PDF]

2017  New Therapy Strategy For Prostate Cancer:
Amanita phalloides Treatment Stabilizes Best Without Pre-Treatments (Observational Study Pre-Protocol)
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 21(3): 1-7
DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2017/32673   [PDF]

2017  (Deutsch) Neue Therapie-Strategie für Prostata CA:
Amanita phalloides wirkt am besten bei Patienten ohne Vorbehandlung (Studie, Vorschau)   [PDF]

2016  Stabilization of Prostate Cancer with Amanita phalloides: Intervals With 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors and Melatonin to Circumvent Resistance. Case Report
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 17(5):1-6
DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2016/27895   [PDF]

2016  (Deutsch) Stabilisierung eines Prostata-CA Patienten mit Amanita phalloides:
Intervalle mit 5-alpha-Reduktase Inhibitoren und Melatonin um Resistenzen zu vermeiden   [PDF]

2015  Stabilization of Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia with Amanita phalloides: Effect of Additional Chelidonium majus. Case Report
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 12(6): 1-7
DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2016/21897   [PDF]

2015  Borrelia infection appears as Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia:
Therapy with Amanita phalloides and Terebinthina laricina
BJMMR 7(7): 630-637   DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2015/16449   [PDF]

2015  (Deutsch) Borreliose als Chronisch Lymphatische Leukämie:
Therapie mit Amanita phalloides und Terebinthina laricina (Fallstudie)

2014  Membrane Fluidity: About the Origin of Autoimmunity
Open Journal of Immunology, 4, 9-13.   DOI:10.4236/oji.2014.41002   [PDF]

2014  Chelidonium majus in der Therapie prämaligner Hautveränderungen
Natur-Heilkunde, Der Freie Arzt 37/55,2:58-61   [PDF]

2013  Tumor Therapy with Amanita phalloides:
Remission of a Tumor Disease and Dietary Effect of Sugar
J Cell Sci Ther 4:147-149   DOI:10.4172/2157-7013.10000147   [PDF]

2013  Switch the Tumor Off: From Genes to Amanita Therapy
American Journal of Biomedical Research 1, no. 4: 93-107.
doi: 10.12691/ajbr-1-4-5.   [PDF]

2012  Tumor Therapy with Amanita phalloides (Death Cap):
Long Term Stabilization of Prostate-Cancers
J Integr Oncol 1:101   [PDF]

2012  Inhibition of Apoptosis in ALL-1 Leukemic Cell Lines: Allowance of Replication, Constant Repair Replication, Defect DNA Damage Control
J Cell Sci Ther 3:133   DOI:10.4172/2157-7013.1000133   [PDF]

2012  Terebinthina laricina in Borreliosis: Comparison with Antibiotic Therapies
J. Homeop. Ayurv.Med. 1:110   DOI:10.4172/2167-1206.1000110   [PDF]

2011  Tumor Therapy with Amanita phalloides (Death Cap):
Stabilization of Mammary Ducts Cancer
TANG Intern. J. Genuine Trad. Med. 1,1 Article ID: TANG-11-6   [PDF]

2010  Erfahrungen mit der Amanita Therapie   [PDF]

2010  Die Ursache von Zivilisationserkrankungen und ihre Abwehr   [PDF]

2010  Tumor Therapy with Amanita phalloides (Death Cap):
Stabilization of B-Cell Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia
J. Altern. Complement. Med. 16:10, 1129-1132   [PDF]

2009  Amanita Therapie eines Mammakarzinoms   [PDF]

2008  Das Management der Tumorerkrankung   [PDF]

2007  Die Biochemie der Tumorzelle - Tumortherapie-Ansätze aus Sicht des Zellbiologen   [PDF]

2004  Switch Genes in Tumor Formation
DIS 87:54-59   [PDF]

2003  Proliferative Genes and Copy Number Control
DIS 86:64-67   [PDF]

2002  Gene combinations inducing neoplasms in Drosophila
DIS 84:103-114   [PDF]

2000  Tumor inducing Drosophila: resistance to hydroxyurea and methane sulfonic acid methyl ester
DIS 83:140-144   [PDF]

1997  Proliferative genes induce somatic pairing defects in Drosophila melanogaster and allow replication
Canc.Genet.Cytogenet. 97:143-154   [PDF]

1996  Three mutant genes cooperatively induce brain tumor formation in Malignant Brain Tumor
Canc.Genet.Cytogenet. 90:135-141   [PDF]